Accredited Facilities
What is PSDR?
Patient Safety Data Reporting is a form of quality control performed by accredited facilities within the outpatient setting. Those participating in the data reporting process create a system-wide culture of clinical quality and demonstrate the positive results of accreditation.
Patient Safety Data Reporting is a required process that promotes ongoing data collection to identify the trends affecting patient outcomes. QUAD A has successfully collected data from hundreds of thousands of individual cases, creating one of the nation's largest health care data repositories.
It is important for QUAD A to continue in the forefront of this effort. By monitoring our own data, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our standards and are assured that we remain an authority on health care delivery. QUAD A delivers standard revisions based on information collected from this valuable data. This approach distinguishes QUAD A from other accrediting organizations and provides a safeguard for patients and the accrediting process.
PSDR Quarterly Deadlines:
- Period 1 (Jan.-March) - Submission deadline April 15th
- Period 2 (April-June) - Submission deadline July 15th
- Period 3 (July-Sept.) - Submission deadline Oct 15th
- Period 4 (Oct.-Dec.) - Submission deadline Jan 15th
PSDR Documents
The following documents are available in support of your Patient Safety Data Reporting requirements:
- Common Procedures and Associated CPT Codes
- Patient Safety Data Reporting & Peer Review: What’s the Difference?
- Patient Safety Data Reporting User Guide
- Patient Safety Data Reporting Random Case Template
- Patient Safety Data Reporting Sequela Template
- Patient Safety Data Reporting Exemption Form
- Patient Safety Data Reporting Authorization Form
- Patient Safety Data Reporting FAQs
- Confidentiality Agreement for Peer Review
QUAD A’s patient safety data reporting system, as required by QUAD A’s standards, requires online reporting every three (3) months. This online reporting includes the submission of three (3) random cases for each surgeon/proceduralist and all unanticipated sequelae. The reported cases for each surgeon/proceduralist must include the first case done by each surgeon/proceduralist per month during the reporting period for a total of three (3) cases, plus all unanticipated sequelae. If a surgeon/proceduralist has not performed at least one (1) case per month, cases from other months in the period may be selected for a total of three (3) reported cases per period. QUAD A understands that unanticipated sequelae may occur at any time and has built a new reporting system to allow for unanticipated sequelae to be entered as they happen.
Random Case and Unanticipated Sequela review form templates are available for your facility to understand what information will be captured; however, all cases must be entered directly into the QUAD A online system. No paper forms will be accepted by the QUAD A office.
Facilities that are not compliant with case reporting will be placed on probation after the extension period ends and will be assessed a late fee of $100 per physician that is non-compliant. Facilities will have the duration of the probation period, 60 calendar days, to complete their patient safety data reporting.
If a physician using the facility has performed fewer than three (3) cases during a reporting period, that information must be reported to the QUAD A office using the Exemption form. All cases that were performed during that period must be reported through the online system.
As always, if you have any questions regarding the completion of your Patient Safety Data Reporting, please contact us by phone or email helpdesk@QUADA.org.
COVID-19 Oral Maxillofacial Worksheet
COVID-19 Pediatric Dentistry Worksheet
COVID-19 Surgical (ASC) Worksheet
COVID-19 International Surgical Worksheet
Office-Based Surgical (OBS) Accreditation Standards Manual V15.1, Effective March 1, 2022
Office-Based Procedural (OBP) Accreditation Standards Manual V5.1, Effective March 1, 2022
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Accreditation Standards Manual V3.1, Effective March 1, 2022
Pediatric Dentistry (PD) Accreditation Standards Manual V2.1, Effective March 1, 2022
ASC Medicare LSC Surveyor Handbook V7.0
Medicare Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Accreditation Standards Manual V3.1, Effective March 1, 2022
International Surgical & Dental V4.1 Accreditation Standards Manual, Effective March 1, 2022
Medicare Regulations and Guidance
Medicare 855B DetailsCenters for Disease Control (CDC) Zika Virus Updates
This form is for facilities who haven’t applied yet but would like to have their facility’s layout reviewed before they send the application and annual/survey fees.
Floor Plan Review Order Form
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find documentation here.
What QUAD A previously called Peer Review is a separate and distinct process from what many physicians are familiar with as a full clinical peer review process, which is performed at a physician-to-physician level. The objective data elements required during the quarterly Patient Safety Data Reporting, as part of the accreditation process, is specifically intended for medical study and the evaluation and improvement of quality care and reduction of morbidity and mortality. Such data can be entered prior to the facility conducting its peer review meetings. Revised standards manuals will be published soon and will use more distinct language to demonstrate the difference.
As we fully transition from referring to this process as Peer Review to Patient Safety Data Reporting, be aware that our online reporting portal may continue to reflect the term Peer Review for a time until all our vendors have completed updates to the systems they administer on our behalf.
If I have questions not listed here, how can I get the answer?
Contact us and speak with one of our accreditation specialists, who will be happy to assist.